Wellness, Support, And Wisdom
For New Motherhood In The Modern World
We believe that wellness and support are the key to an enriched new motherhood, and we’re here to talk about it. We speak with motherhood support professionals and wellness leaders, so we can share their wisdom and insight with you. Wherever you are on your journey—from planning, pregnancy, postpartum to new motherhood—we are here for you.
AVAILABLE ON: apple podcasts, Spotify, google podcasts
Hosted By The Women
Behind Little Honey Money,
Erica Ignjatovic & Jhoanna Flores
A podcast focused on bringing wellness, support, and wisdom to new motherhood in the modern world. Erica Ignjatovic and Jhoanna Flores, two longtime friends at different points in their motherhood journeys, build a tech platform for new moms and speak with experts who make sense of the multidimensional journey to matrescence—through planning, pregnancy, postpartum, and new motherhood. Hear relatable stories and expert perspectives that make motherhood more enriched. Expect friendly, sincere conversation, mixed with a healthy dose of sarcasm and wit.
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Episode Preview
We are offering another way of preparing for motherhood—and that’s putting wellness, support, and self-care first.”
Erica Ignjatovic, Founder